"Are You Really Serious, Right Now?"
It irks me when I go into a store on a mission and then I come across somebody that's just wandering around - slowly wandering around and ends up crossing my path with there spaced mind, as if they have all the time in the world. I know that there are those who are stressed, have a lot on their mind, and don't know rather they're going or coming some times. To those people, I say a prayer for and exclude them from my any further complaints.

For instance, I was in Walmart today and it was extremely crowded. I mean, with just a few more customers it could have been a Black Friday crowd all over again. It was just crazy how crowded it was, but that's not my point because I'm used to the large crowds anyway. The only thing I ask from other selfish individuals is that when you're going into a store of which, you yourself, know is crowded and you know that you really kind of don't know what you're want or you just happen to be the slow type, please plan to have some consideration for other folks who know what they want and are doing their best to get in and out of the store.

Please, Recognize

Recognize that you are not the only one shopping in the store. Recognize that there are others who are actually in a rush. Recognize your surroundings. Recognize that it is a possibility for you to get bumped into in a crowded store where a person is truly in a hurry. (I'm not saying that as a threat but as actual situation that I've seen occur with my own eyes as a result of someone's slothfulness.) Recognize that there are those folks who are completely opposite of you and rush around in the store like a chicken with their head cut off and you know that you're one of those people who looses their mind when someone ACCIDENTALLY bumps into you.Recognize that while you may not be hurry, someone else is,

Patience Is A Virtue

It absolutely irks me when I'm trying to get by someone who's standing in the way of a item I'm trying to pick up and quickly get to my next destination. It's like, "Hello, if you just move I can quickly get what I need and be out your way, as well." Help me help you." Sadly, there are those people who just don't think that way, which is why the good Lord gave me patience. Patience is a virtue of which I practice on a daily basis. Patience is something that I'm proud and thankful that was taught to me.

1 Thessalonians 5:14: Now we * exhort you, brethren, cwarn them that are * unruly, ecomfort the feebleminded, fsupport the weak, gbe patient toward all men.